In the “The Types of Legitimate Domination” Roth and Witch begin by setting up a definition of Domination based on the idea that “every genuine form of domination implies a minimum of voluntary compliance” (212). They add, while things like motivation, or reasons for compliance do not matter, the beliefs in legitimacy remains the single most important thing from which groups draw their power. They then show their theory as it applies to the government saying that legitimacy and authority lead naturally to governmental bureaucracy, and how that same bureaucracy based on false legitimacy, can lead to corruption.
They later go through the different types of legitimacy; Rational, Traditional, and Charismatic. Legal authority being “the pure type” as it relies on (in theory) two equal parties entering into an agreement. Traditional authority being inherently unequal as one person is seen as below the other. And finally Charismatic grounds being the least tangible, or based purely on want to follow, rather than obligation.
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